Monday, June 30, 2008


Okay, on Aimee's blog, she has on the sidebar the blogs that she reads, and some of them have when they were last updated on there....I really don't like that everyone sees that I haven't updated my blog lately, so I'm going to try harder to update more often!!!

I have a ton of pics that I want to put up, so I'm going to try to split them up into a few posts before Curt wakes up from his morning nap...

Kylie decided to do this all by herself! She loved pulling her baby!

this night she decided to put curt in the wagon!! He's lucky he didn't fall out!!!

Papa reading to Curt. Curt will now spend a long time pulling books off his shelf and reading them....and then bringing a few to you to read to him...

Curt loves to play Tball!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trying to keep up with the Joneses?

Oh, and Kylie saw that on "John and Kate Plus Eight". They do that. You haven't had TV in awhile though. hm.