Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Conversations with Kylie

Here is a conversation I wish I hadn't had with my daughter...a good friend of our recently got remarried....her daughter is in Kylie's class...

Me: We are going to go see Mrs. Kristi for a minute.

Kylie: Oh, you mean Kristi ?????? (insert last name)

Me: Well, yes, but now her last name is ?????

Kylie: Why?

Me: Well, she got married.

Kylie: How can she get married if she already has kids? (we really teach the 'right' order to do things!)

Me: Well, honey, she was married and then she wasn't and now she is again.

Kylie: oh, well....are you going to do that?

Me: No, baby, Mommy and Daddy will be together forever and forever.

Kylie: Good, because I like Daddy a lot. Were you married before and now are married to Daddy?

Me: No, baby, Daddy is the only person I've ever been married to.

Kylie: Good

Oh my gosh!!! It is getting so hard to explain things to a smart little girl!! How sad that we have to explain divorce to a child....and then it broke my heart that she is worried it would happen to us.....she reminds me every day to drive safely so we don't have a car accident.....why is she worried about that? I think she is a worrier....sometimes i just want to remind her to just be a kid!!!

I wish there wasn't a need for conversations such as those....

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