Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Psst...Hey, Jesus...

Kylie's prayers are getting more and more in depth.....It's so great to see how she is already learning how to pray. Her prayers started out just going through her list of friends and family and thanking God for them. She is starting to pray for specific situations at school and for people we know that are sick or hurt.

Tonight when she said her prayers, she thanked God for all her friends and family and then she prayed for Chuck (he left today to go to Talledega, AL to the NASCAR race with some college friends). This is how her prayer went. "And Jesus, please be with my Daddy while he's at the races with friends, help him to have fun. And please bring him back home safe. (whispering) Psst.....Hey, Jesus? Jesus?? Are you listening?? Please bring my Daddy home. Amen.

I was trying very hard not to laugh, but it was funny and so sweet....psst....hey Jesus....

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